Ok, I'm going to try this. My last blog was on a page that I had created, and was so cumbersome that it almost became another job. This site I'm hoping will make it a lot easier.
This blog will concentrate on the normal, average, everyday life of, well, me. I'm in my early forties, and still believe I'm in my early twenties. I love being outside, shooting, hunting, and playing on my mini-farm. I still listen to rock music, but decided recently that country music is really ok - most of the country music I like is the same type of southern rock that I listened to in high school anyway. I still believe in helping your neighbors and doing for yourself - I don't depend on other people, the government, or anyone else to do for me.
I have a lovely wife and two of the greatest children that anyone could ever ask for. I really enjoy teaching firearms classes to children and will write more about this in another blog entry in the near future.
I am a NRA Certified Instructor for pistol and personal protection in the home, a 4H/IDNR Certified Instructor (youth) in pistol and muzzleloader. I am also a NRA/ATA/AIM Certified Coach for shotgun. I teach youth firearm classes for our outstanding 4H Shooting Sports program, and coach our conservation club's youth AIM shotgun team.
I own my own business, GeoMaster, LLC. We manufacture and sell GeoExcel and G3 geothermal heat pumps. This keeps me really busy and I travel extensively.
We live on a very small farm in DeKalb county with our dog, two horses, two calves, ten chickens, and an entire herd of cats.
For those of you who know me personally - please don't comment as to how lame my first posting is! Since this is a public blog, I thought I would be nice and introduce myself to everyone. Lots of sarcasm, stupid blog entries, talk about adult problems, and generally stuff that can make you laugh or make you angry, will follow!!